Saturday, September 19, 2015

Suzuki Celebration Concert

Over 1200 Suzuki students of all instruments come together in a celebration of Dr. Suzuki's legacy every 5 years.  For this rare event on September 19, 2015 the theme was "Where Love is Deep" and all participants sang and signed the words to this touching song.  There were 8 students from my studio who participated in this concert and as a participating teacher I was assigned to be a "twinkle chaperone".  As big as the LDS Conference Center in SLC is, there are so many students in the gala performance that many of the violins spill into the audience seats!  Here is a picture of the final product of many months worth of preparation:
Afternoon dress rehearsal on the day of the gala performance:

Back Stage with the twinkle group and my participating students:

SAU President & Violin Chair
after the big event they worked
so diligently to create was complete

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Student Recital

Rylee Sorensen ~ Suzuki Book 1
Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 3pm
Hale Centre Threatre Music Rehearsal Hall

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Student Recital

Saturday February 21, 2015
2:00-3:00pm at the Clearfield Library
I love seeing my students share their developing violin talent!
Kynlee played pieces from Suzuki Books 1-3
(including duets with brother on cello and mom on clarinet)