Monday, April 18, 2011

2011 Spring Recital

Spring Violin Recital
Monday, April 18, 2011 at the Layton Library

Rhody Travels Around the World!

Group Number Finale

100 Days-in-a-Row of practice certificate presented. So impressive. Great job!!!

365 Days-in-a-Row of practice certificate also presented. Wow, what an accomplishment!

My boys are my biggest supporters!!!
We enjoyed refreshments,
to go with our theme,
from around the world.

Video from Spring Violin Recital

Enjoy our rendition of Rhody Travels...
Native Utah, China, Egypt, Tennessee, Utah-Pioneers

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Suzuki Convention

This year, the Suzuki Association of Utah decided to do something a little different with their annual convention. Instead of having a separate parent portion of the event, parents and teachers were invited to share the day together, taking classes that would inspire and uplift. I was able to attend a 1/2 day with one of my studio parents and it was, as always, a wonderful experience. As a teacher, there is always room for improvement and much to learn - I'm grateful to be given the opportunity to learn from the most experienced of teachers. I also feel very lucky to have received this beautiful bead counter from a class on practicing tips - I am enjoying the use of it for repetitions completed in my studio back home!